Things I Wish Someone Told Me Before Attending UC Berkeley

Things I Wish Someone Told Me Before Attending UC Berkeley

If you’re thinking about what university to attend, congratulations! You’ve probably thought all semester long about what college life will be like, how it’ll feel to be far from home, and how the heck you’re going to get through these very important college...
Are We Entering A 2020 Recession?

Are We Entering A 2020 Recession?

According to Bloomberg, there’s a 53% chance that we’ll drop into a recession in 2020.  The stock market saw massive drops last Monday and Thursday, enough to trigger automatic safety mechanisms that temporarily shut down the stock market. That’s a big...
How Coronavirus Spread So Quickly

How Coronavirus Spread So Quickly

How was COVID-19, aka coronavirus, able to spread so quickly? Few people know the frustrating story behind how it was able to spread so far. While China and its citizens are facing a lot of backlash regarding their rash and considerably selfish decision to leave the...
What Are Options: Puts and Calls?

What Are Options: Puts and Calls?

Calls and puts are options that give you the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell stocks. They can be used to hedge risk in your portfolio when used properly. Each option gives you the right to buy/sell 100 stocks. Thus, 1 option = the right to buy/sell 100...